Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Irving Penn

In London, I saw the Chris Ofili and Irving Penn exhibitions. I enjoyed both, but I especially was taken by Penn's portraits at the National Portrait Gallery. The exhibition was clean, straightforward, and in the perfect space. It featured Penn's portraits of recognized figures including artists, writers, intellectuals and musicians. Organized in rooms by the notable periods in Penn's career, the exhibition highlighted the evolution of Penn's photographic techniques and the repetition inherent in his methods. His monochromatic images brought out strong, identifiable characteristics from each of his sitters. There were so many that I found arresting and that I'd like to post, but the Penn studio is really tight on reproduction so I could find few of my favorites online. Here's a good one of Newman though.

Irving Penn, Barnett Newman, 1966

I really recommend this exhibition! It runs through June 6, 2010.

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