Thursday, June 3, 2010

Sleepy Sundays

I have some more pictures from Korea, but I'll post them later since I have been back in Paris for exactly one month so I figured I'd revert back.

I studied all this past week and will continue to pound the books, or rather, until Tuesday when my exam period dies down a bit. I sat my first exam yesterday and I think it went fine except for at the end of the test when I was trying to turn in my booklet and the secretary told me that I had to (rough translation) "close it up" and handed it back to me. I looked around to figure out what she was talking about and eventually spotted one girl licking the corner of her booklet and folding over the first page. It was very curious. What must have been more curious was how she felt when she looked up from licking her test to see me fixedly staring at her and performing two staggered hops of embarrassment when I realized she caught me. I smiled awkwardly at her to cover up. She did not smile back. Oh, France.

Anyways, I had a nice, sleepy Sunday. I normally detest them at school because I can never seem to stick to my study schedule and thus have mountains of work on Sundays, but this past one was occupied by chocolate chip pancakes, reading lots of notes, gray skies and rooftop gardens, lighting my new candle, When Harry Met Sally, and shuffling about in my warmest pair of cashmere socks.

I love Duras. If you're looking for summer reading, I think these books would make a great pairing.

Going through notes is always easier when you can reward your progress with chocolate. This is 72% cacao dark chocolate with a ribbon of espelette.

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