Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Macaron Day

On Macaron Day, which was established a few years back by Pierre Herme in order to benefit charity, visitors of Pierre Herme's boutiques are given three free macarons and are encouraged to make a charitable donation. This year's recipient was L'association Autour des Williams (www.autourdeswilliams.org).

When I left my apartment on Saturday morning I knew that I would complete two tasks before re-entering: I would interview for a gallery position and I would eat three macarons. Little did I know that I was to return eight hours later having not been properly interviewed and having consumed 15 macarons.

I arrived at FIAC to find my interviewer swept up in the general calamity that is FIAC and I was eventually instructed to return at a later date for my interview. I despise when things are postponed; thus, I promptly carried myself and my annoyance to the nearest Pierre Herme by the Jardin des Tuilleries. While standing in line, I overheard two women talking about the different boutiques they had been to already and how many they had yet to visit. This is how I leaned of the MACARON CHALLENGE, which promises participants a reward of 35 macarons if they visit all six Pierre Herme boutiques on Macaron Day and receive stamps from each as proof. My reaction: "That's nice but I am not doing it." Oh, how wrong I was.

After obtaining my macarons, I walked over to the Musée d'Orangerie, met Milos, J.Roll and Grace, and saw some nice art. As we left I told them of the Macaron Challenge and that was that. We were off. During the subsequent six hours, we flung ourselves around Paris: sprinting, jogging, sitting, standing, waiting, and skipping (skipping only occurred at the beginning of the challenge) to each Pierre Herme. It was nightfall (very dramatic), when we arrived at the final destination and received our boxes of 35 macarons. Was it worth it? Yes!

Dearest family, I have sent you the macarons. I was told they only keep for four days. The post should deliver them by Friday, so they might be squishy. That being said, it's the thought that counts!


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