Sunday, February 28, 2010


I went to London over the weekend and it was great fun! I visited good friends, had a lovely tea, went to the Brick Lane market and haggled (in English!), saw some exhibitions, ate a lot of Indian food, and went to a gargantuan Topshop.

On Monday, I was wandering through the rooms in the National Gallery when I happened upon Samuel van Hoogstraten's "A Peepshow with Views of the Interior of a Dutch House." It was remarkable. I tried to write out a description but it was inadequate so I'm borrowing the description off of the National Gallery's website.

"The peepshow is a rectangular box; the interior is painted on three sides, as well as on the top and bottom. The sixth side is open; originally light would have entered the box from this side, perhaps through specially treated paper stretched across it. The box would have been placed close to a window or illumination provided by a candle. There are peep-holes in the two shorter sides which provide the illusion of three-dimensional views of the interior of a house...The box was probably painted in Dordrecht in the later 1650s. A number of such peepshows were made in Holland but only a few examples have survived." (

I really enjoyed the process of looking into the box because as I adjusted my eye to the peephole I could observe the different painted objects slowly come into focus and reaching perfect perspective. That's what was so cool about it, really. Even though the proportions within the box were determined, I couldn't realize them until my sight was able to perceive the snapshot. It was as if my eyes were acting as a camera lens. (The inside was lovely too, of course.) A great essay with related subject matter is Rosalind Krauss' "Photography's Discursive Spaces: Landscape/View," which I read last week when I failed to stay focused in my three hour French literature section. Womp. You can find it in the Winter 1982 issue of Art Journal.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Moelleux aux Framboises

When it's raining and dreary I like to stay inside and eat. Enter raspberry cakes! My favorite neighborhood boulangerie bakes them fresh every night and they are filled with many raspberries. Bessie and I ate them with vanilla Haagen-dazs ice cream and this most amazing raspberry sauce or something (not really sure what it was) that she made, and drank some sweet wine.

Moelleux aux Framboises de Gana, 54 rue Oberkampf, 75011

Thursday, February 25, 2010

And Another...

I peruse watches guilt free because promptness is useful. Must work on my timeliness. Maybe if I had an enormous, gold, rectangular watch face sitting on my wrist I could get it together...

The Ivy by Nixon

Like Jellybeans but Better

I covet a Nixon Time Teller P watch. I first saw them at Colette awhile ago and what attracted me to them was their bright, bold colors, but now I can't decide which one I like best because there are so so many colors! Ah! These are my favorites.

Did She Fall Down the Rabbit Hole in These?

Lewis Carroll's Alice's Adventures in Wonderland is one of my favorite books and Printemps has Alice in Wonderland themed windows right now. Look at these shoes by Nicholas Kirkwood!

Monday, February 15, 2010


Yesterday my valentine and I wanted to eat some chocolate. Duh! We decided to go on a sort of walking chocolate tour because why eat a pre-assorted box of chocolate from one chocolatier when you can personally design one super-box from any chocolatier in Paris? We stopped at Maison du Chocolat, which was definitely my favorite, Jeff de Bruges, Marquise de Sévigné, and Lenôtre. I liked this dark chocolate and blackcurrants truffle from Maison du Chocolat best, but then again, I have a thing for blackcurrants. Delicious journey. Good idea.

Real women are made out of chocolate.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Anna Howard Shaw Day!

Ana Mendieta, Untitled (Blood Sign#2 / Body Tracks), 1974

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Tomato Tomahto

I made tomato farci tonight. It's commonly made in the South of France... I think? Anyways, it's really easy to make and quite delicious. The tomatoes' little hats are cute!

Friday, February 5, 2010

At the Louvre

Green eyes, green sweater, green socks.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Marché aux Puces de St Ouen

Marie Petit, Marché Vernaison, Allée 7 - Stand 133

Marché Vernaison, Allée 8 - Stand 169

Tombées du Camion, Marché Vernaison, Allée 5 - Stand 92

Monday, February 1, 2010

Skulls Forever

I recently visited the James Ensor exhibition at the Musée d'Orsay. I love Ensor's work and point of view especially in relation to the grotesque and the carnivalesque. I love these:

James Ensor, Masks and Death, 1897

James Ensor, Pride, 1904

I also acquired this necklace a few days ago. I like that it's a full skeleton. I like even more that it's donning a crown!