Saturday, July 3, 2010

Les Écoles

Hi to my family! I wanted you to see where I attended school. I took these a bit ago, but I was nervous to post them until I got my results. I believe in jinxes, clearly.

The Jardin du Luxembourg, which was right in between my two schools and served as my lunch-yard.

Sailboats in the fountain!

The walk to school.

Michelet, for Art history and Archeology License 3.

Had to pass by this guy all the time. Hmmm... not too nice.

My XIXe T.D. classroom (T.D. stands for travaux dirigés and it's comparable to a section in the States).

The park right next to Michelet.


The Sorbonne courtyard.

The chapel and construction. Construction sites follow me everywhere!

The amphitheater where I had my French lit lecture. There normally wasn't a piano in there.

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