Saturday, June 5, 2010

The Pancake Cure

I've been studying like mad all week for my assessments on Monday and Tuesday. Most notably, I have to sit a four hour exam on Monday morning. Blerggg. By Tuesday afternoon the majority of my work will be done and I'll be off to Cambridge for a bit! I'm glad to have that trip to look forward to, but given all of the work I have to accomplish before then I can't seem to see the light at the end of the tunnel even though it's only four days away. Four days... uh oh.

Yogi and I took a much needed study break this morning and had a yummy brunch at Breakfast in America. In times of sleep deprivation and mental fatigue, chocolate chip pancakes are a necessity. I can't wait to go home and have Phia make them for me! Her pancakes are the absolute best! (^_^)

Yogi's French toast with strawberries, chocolate and almonds.* The French toast is better in France because they don't soak and slather the bread in egg. Yuck, I hate that. The egg should be lightly brushed on. Yep.

2 x 2 x 2 = my main nourishment for the day.

Delirious yet satiated.**

* Yogi wished to remain unpictured. She looked very lovely today.
** Jorge, there I included myself para ti.

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