Friday, May 21, 2010

Snack Time

I love 7-Eleven, especially the one back home that requires me to make an illegal left hand turn to park. I mean, think about it. One beautiful store offering slurpees, magazines, sunblock, Dr. Pepper, batteries and peanut M&Ms. 7-Eleven = greatness.

The French don't understand the concept of convenience, so there aren't any 7-Eleven's in Paris. Major bummer. Lucky for me, they have them everywhere in Japan, but the contents are quite different, and probably for the better. Other than Coke, which seems to have weaseled its way into every convenience store on the surface of the Earth, there are no sodas to speak of, and they've got really cute plastic Starbucks cups containing iced lattes, and pudding and mochi for snacks. I interpret this as representative of why Asians aren't fat.

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